Language Support

EAL is dedicated to offer English language support to those students who are struggling for understanding in their normal English lessons.  The goal of our EAL program is to help this group of students improve their English to meet age-appropriate academic standards. Reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing literacies are addressed according to the Singapore English curriculum. The EAL teacher collaborates with each student’s English teacher in order to meet the student’s English learning needs.

The EAL lessons are conducted in small groups, which can allow the students to get more attention and help from the teacher in class. Besides, students learning in a more relaxing and cheerful classroom atmosphere can learn at their comfortable paces. The pleasing result of this is that those who are afraid of learning English are becoming more confident and have more interest in participating in English class.

Participation in the EAL varies from student to student. For example, some students will be pulled out of their mainstream classes to receive support in the EAL classroom; some other students are only encouraged to take an EAL club every week. Also, multiple criteria are used in determining when a student no longer needs EAL support. These criteria include, but are not limited to WIDA scores, classroom grades, overall academic performance, and teacher’s recommendation. 
