
As the  I-EP mission is to make its learners be global citizens that are grounded in Chinese culture, it is vital to the school how Chinese is taught. Even though English is our primary language, we recognise that Chinese is the mother tongue of the majority of our students and thus, we care deeply about how the Chinese language development of our students.

In I-EP, we use the Chinese national curriculum. This includes the mid-term and end of year exams provided by the local government. However, how we teach Chinese is still within the IB PYP framework. 

Our Chinese classes are student-led and inquiry-based.Our Chinese classes are fully integrated into our programme of inquiry. For the rare instances that we can not incorporate Chinese then it is still taught as a stand-alone unit.


Chinese Support 

We understand that not all students have had the same level of exposure to the Chinese language. For our students who need that little extra help, we provide a Chinese support program. For our younger students, this consists of an afterschool club once a week. For our older students, this includes being taken out of mainstream Chinese classes and given additional support. The mission of our CS program is to get the students back into the mainstream classes as quickly as possible and as soon as the student is ready.